The NewPages eLitPak includes digital flyers from literary magazines, creative writing programs, writing conferences and events, and independent publishers. Discover calls for submissions, writing and book contests, application deadlines, upcoming events, new releases and issue announcements, and more.
Please feel free to print, post, and share the digital versions of our current eLitPak flyers.
Reserve Now and Save $30 in our Next eLitPak
Reserve your spot in an upcoming NewPages eLitPak. Reach our 6,000+ newsletter subscribers and have your flyer promoted on our blog and on our social media to our 30,000+ followers. Now accepting reservations for our July 2024 through June 2025 eLitPaks. Flyer order in the newsletter is based on order of reservations.
Final Month! North Street Book Prize for Self-Published and Hybrid-Published Books
Winning Writers will award a grand prize of $10,000 in its tenth annual North Street competition, and $20,400 in all. The top nine winners will enjoy additional benefits from co-sponsors BookBaby, Carolyn Howard-Johnson, Book Award Pro, Self-Publishing Made Simple, and Laura Duffy Design. New this year: Everyone who enters online will receive a brief commentary from one of the judges. Submit books published in any year and on any self-publishing or hybrid-publishing platform. $79 entry fee. Enter online or by mail by July 1. Learn more at our website and share our flyer.
Time to Submit Your Manuscript to The Tenth Gate Prize
Deadline: July 15, 2024
The Tenth Gate Prize honors mid-career poets writing in English. Entry is open to authors of at least two previously published full-length poetry collections. A prize of $1000 and publication of the collection is awarded annually. See our flyer for more information and a link to submit.
Submit to The Greensboro Review's Literary Awards - $1000 prizes!
Deadline: August 1, 2024
The Greensboro Review invites submissions for our annual Robert Watson Literary Prizes in Poetry and Fiction. Winners in each genre receive a $1,000 award and publication in the spring issue of the journal. Send us your previously unpublished poems and short stories, now through August 1! To learn more, read past prizewinners, and submit your work, visit our website and view our flyer.
Affordable Online Poetry, Publishing, & Critique Workshops / Poetry Editing & Mentoring
Caesura Poetry Workshop aims to support, inspire, and energize poets through a wide variety of affordable Zoom workshops hosted by award-winning poet, editor, and teacher John Sibley Williams. Most workshops include poem analysis, active group discussion, and writing prompts. Some are even self-paced! We also offer critiques of poems and manuscripts, as well as ongoing mentoring. Visit us at our website and view our flyer for more information.
Shaping Destiny, Elections Call
Deadline: August 1, 2024
The election is looming and all those thoughts and emotions are getting sharper and at time produce fear and depression. Now is the time to have art be your voice and presence. Visit our website for full information and to submit your work.
Literary Agent Feedback Opportunity from Black Fox Literary Magazine
Application Deadline: June 30, 2024
Apply to receive feedback on the first 50 pages of your novel or query letter from a literary agent. Limited spots available. Deadline to apply is June 30, 2024! View flyer for more details and a link to our website.