The NewPages eLitPak includes digital flyers from literary magazines, creative writing programs, writing conferences and events, and independent publishers. Discover calls for submissions, writing and book contests, application deadlines, upcoming events, new releases and issue announcements, and more.
Please feel free to print, post, and share the digital versions of our current eLitPak flyers.
Reserve Now and Save $30 in our Next eLitPak
Reserve your spot in an upcoming NewPages eLitPak. Reach our 6,000+ newsletter subscribers and have your flyer promoted on our blog and on our social media to our 30,000+ followers. Now accepting reservations for our August 2024 through July 2025 eLitPaks. Flyer order in the newsletter is based on order of reservations.
Issue 89 of Kaleidoscope Available Now! Accepting Submissions Year-Round
The summer issue of Kaleidoscope takes a closer look at the ebbs and flows of life, and we hope you will find some treasures in the work we’ve selected. Each issue of the magazine explores the experience of disability through the lens of literature and fine art. Submit your best work to us today! Visit our website and see our flyer for more information.
The Colorado Authors League
The Colorado Authors League (CAL) supports and promotes its community of published writers while connecting with and adding value to the reading world. Formed in 1931, authors become members to: keep up with changes in the craft of writing, publishing, and marketing, gain greater visibility for their writing, join a group of like-minded people who love writing. View our flyer to see new releases by members.
Unsolicited Press Is Releasing Literary Fiction that Challenges and Inspires You
Unsolicited Press is set to release enchanting literary fiction this year including THE HEDGEROW by Anne Leigh Parrish, LINES by Sung J. Woo, and DEVIL ON MY TRAIL by Danial DiFranco. See our flyer and learn more at our website.
Submit to The Greensboro Review's Literary Awards - $1000 prizes!
Deadline: August 1, 2024
The Greensboro Review invites submissions for our annual Robert Watson Literary Prizes in Poetry and Fiction. Winners in each genre receive a $1,000 award and publication in the spring issue of the journal. Send us your previously unpublished poems and short stories, now through August 1! To learn more, read past prizewinners, and submit your work, visit our website and view our flyer.
Shaping Destiny, Elections Call
Deadline: August 1, 2024
The election is looming and all those thoughts and emotions are getting sharper and at time produce fear and depression. Now is the time to have art be your voice and presence. Visit our website for full information and to submit your work.
It's Time to try On Spec Magazine!
On Spec ( is an award-winning Canadian journal of short genre fiction and poetry. Since 1989, On Spec has featured original works of science fiction and fantasy from writers around the world, with a mandate to showcase the best in Canadian Literature of the Fantastic. Now's the time to try an issue, and you may win a subscription! View flyer to learn more.
Inverted Syntax Poetry Book Contests
Deadline: August 15
Inverted Syntax will be publishing and debuting between 3-5 full-length poetry books in the fall of 2026. Starting in 2024, we seek to identify up to five exceptional manuscripts for publication. We look for work that risks everything. We favor the hybrid but welcome all writing. If it's well-crafted, uses language in daring ways, we want it. View guidelines and submission details on our flyer and at our website.
The Bluebird Word Online Literary Journal Seeks New Flash Writing!
Deadline: Year-round
The Bluebird Word, an online literary journal for poetry, flash nonfiction and fiction, seeks new writing for our upcoming 2024 publishing calendar. We publish new issues each month and are looking for emerging and established writers. We are a non-paying market. Please send your crisp flash and poignant poetry for consideration in a future issue. View our flyer and visit our website for more information.
Submit to Sport Literate's "1970s Contest" before July Ends
Deadline: July 31, 2024
We won’t be prescriptive beyond the decade in question, except to say that poets and writers should reflect on a subject through a sporting lens. Our guest judges, both SL veterans and contest winners, are also former state Poet Laureates. SL editors read through submissions and send anonymous finalists to Jack Bedell and Sydney Lea, who will pick their favorites. View our flyer for more information and a link to our website.