The NewPages eLitPak includes digital flyers from literary magazines, creative writing programs, writing conferences and events, and independent publishers. Discover calls for submissions, writing and book contests, application deadlines, upcoming events, new releases and issue announcements, and more.
Please feel free to print, post, and share the digital versions of our current eLitPak flyers.
Reserve Now and Save $30 in our Next eLitPak
Reserve your spot in an upcoming NewPages eLitPak. Reach our 6,000+ newsletter subscribers and have your flyer PDF promoted on our blog and on our social media to our 30,000+ followers. Now accepting reservations for our August 2023 through July 2024 eLitPaks.
Issue 87 of Kaleidoscope Available July 15!
Accepting Submissions Year-Round
We experience many connections in life and in this issue we take a closer look at the ties that bind. Each thread woven into loops, knots, and swirls, revealing an intricate tapestry. Kaleidoscope magazine publishes literature and artwork that creatively explore the experience of disability. Submit your best work to us today! Visit our website and view our flyer for more information.
Now Available: "The Collected Short Stories of Bharati Mukherjee"
"The Collected Short Stories of Bharati Mukherjee" is the first volume to feature the author’s complete short fiction. Leading Mukherjee scholar Ruth Maxey unearthed seven unknown stories: five in Mukherjee’s unpublished 1963 Iowa Writer’s Workshop M.F.A. thesis, "The Shattered Mirror," and two tales from 2008. It is essential for readers familiar with Mukherjee’s work and new to her groundbreaking fiction. View flyer to learn more.
Write and Workshop—Women Writer's Retreat in the Catskills
Registration Deadline: October 1, 2023
An intimate retreat of passionate writers. We write and workshop by day and gather for a wine & cheese salon every evening to share readings. Guest writer Elizabeth Brundage, author of several novels including The Vanishing Point, A Stranger Like You, and All Things Cease to Appear (the basis for the Netflix film "Things Heard and Seen") will lead an in-depth conversation on our third day. View flyer and click here to request more information.
Presenting Writers Showcase Author, Loida Maritza Perez
Presenting Writers Showcase author, Loida Maritza Perez, on Saturday, 8/19/23, at 5:30pm at SOMOS, 108 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos, NM 87571. A native of the Dominican Republic, a 2022-23 National Leaders of Color Fellow, Perez is the author of Geographies of Home. Her upcoming book, Beyond the Pale, won a PEN America 2019 Jean Stein Grant for Literary Oral History. View flyer to learn more.
Todos Santos Writers Workshop - February 4-10, 2024
Early Bird Discount Deadline: September 1, 2023
Join us in Baja, in our pueblo magico by the sea, for our 11th annual Winter Session in Todos Santos, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Writers at all levels welcome, with workshops in Memoir, Poetry, Fiction, and Storytelling Strategies. Faculty: Jeanne McCulloch, Karen Karbo, Christopher Merrill, and Rex Weiner. To apply, visit our website. View flyer for more details.
Consequence's Fall Reading Period Opens July 15th
Submissions Open July 15 - October 15, 2023
The reading period for Consequence Volume 16.1 is open from July 15 through Oct 15. As always, we’re after the strongest work that deals with the consequences of war or geopolitical violence. We publish in Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, Translations, and Visual Art, though we are especially interested in increasing our Translations submissions.
BIPOC and people from other under-represented communities are strongly encouraged to apply.
View submission guidelines here.